Kaypro 1

The Kaypro 1 was the last CP/M model Kaypro introduced. In most ways, it was simply a Kaypro 2X with a smaller software package. It is distinctive from earlier Kaypro models because of its vertically oriented disk drives. (1986)
Narrative »
- I received a phone call where I work asking if we buy old computers. Ever the opportunist, I asked what it was. Met the gentleman at his house, paid him for the unit and here we are.
- This machine, as received, was a weird hybrid.
- It is supposed to have: Kaypro 1 ROM, Kaypro 1 Disks, and Double-Side floppy drives.
- Instead it had: Kaypro 2/84 ROM, Kaypro II disks and single-side floppy drives.
- The machine has been restored to factory configuration by installation of a freshly burned ROM and double-side floppy drives.
Vital Stats »
- Model Number: Kaypro 1 [81-021]
- Serial Number: 280664
- Other: Has a sticker on the back from AK Data Systems in Phoenix Arizona.
Acquisition Data »
- Acquisition Date: February 13, 2008
- Acquisition Method: Private Purchase
- Acquired From: Private Owner
Physical Condition »
- Condition: Very Good.
- 18 September 2016: Full restoration completed: replaced ROM with correct Kaypro 1 ROM, and replaced floppy drives with double-side floppy drives.
- 14 March 2015: Machine must be left to run with A: spinning for several minutes before it will read a disk. Likely motor RPM issue.
- Other: Original keyboard and power cord are with machine. None of the associated packaging is present. Manuals are present.
Associated Accessories »
- “Kaypro I Users Guide and Perfect Writer” manual
- Kaypro II CPM Ver 2.2g Boot Disk (?) [bad sectors, mold damage, has been preserved to disk image]
- Perfect Calc Disk [has been preserved to disk image]
- Perfect Speller Disk [has been preserved to disk image]
- Perfect Writer Disk [has been preserved to disk image]
- Perfect Writer Install Disk [bad sectors, mold damage, has been preserved to disk image]
- Perfect Filer Disk [has been preserved to disk image]
- WordStar Disk [bad sectors, mold damage, has been preserved to disk image]
- Parallel Printer Cable
Photographs »

Videos »