Museum Mentioned on the Open Apple Podcast
Big thanks and shout out to Henry Courbis of UltimateMicro for the mention of my YouTube reviews and museum on the January …
News Entries (i.e. informational posts) about the state of the museum, new additions, etc.
Big thanks and shout out to Henry Courbis of UltimateMicro for the mention of my YouTube reviews and museum on the January …
Here’s a cheesy birthday message created using my Apple IIgs computer.
When a friend tells you his library is withdrawing something interesting, it’s always best to pay attention.
Picked up an Atari 8-Bit – an 800 XL off of eBay this past week.
Nothing big or anything, but I’ve acquired an Apple IIGS ROM 03 off eBay. YAY! Check it out!
So, I re-started this in January of 2013? Really? Over a year after I started this thing back up as a WordPress …
You may not be aware, but I’ve had a version of this museum up for quite a long time as a MediaWiki …